“Build a Sculptured Rocker with Charles Brock” contains all of the video instruction a woodworker needs to build a Sculptured Rocker. You will need a set of 8/4 Paper Patterns to complete the rocking chair. Charles Brock has taught thousands of woodworker to build this rocker. You may already have the original DVD but you have not built your rocker yet. Before you do, this video series is for you! You may want to see how it is done but don’t want the full-size patterns yet. Again, You will need the 8/4 pattern set to build the rocker with this instruction.
You might bask, Why do I need both formats? Some woodworkers live where the Internet is just not good for streaming, or they have a DVD player in their shop with no Internet available there. Now you can build along with “Build a Sculptured Rocker with Charles Brock,” no matter which format limitations!
Charles Brock has taught thousands of woodworker to build this rocker.This set replaces the 11-year old original DVD. There are many new methods and tools included. Everything I have learned while teaching this wonderful rocking chair to woodworkers all over the world for the past twelve years. It contains over 6 hours of HD video instruction. One customer said, the videos are so clear that he tried to blow the dust away after I made a cut!” It also contains the streaming access to the Shape a Sculptured Rocker with Charles Brock.”
The new streaming edition is just like the 5 DVD collection only it is streamed on the internet. It also includes the Shaping DVD as well. You will be able to access the all the videos in a streaming format through login information included in the DVD packaging.