Build the Wall! (the tool wall that is!)
If you work like I do in my woodworking shop you just have to build a tool wall!
With all respect and regards for my friend Christopher Schwarz, I do not believe a tool chest is the best way to organize my woodworking tools in my shop. I am not traveling the world with the perfect set of hand-tools in my chest.
My woodworking shop is for teaching, crafting, commissions and shooting instructional videos. The perfect hand tool needs to be easy to find consistently, use and put back in place. Also, I have to consider adding tools to the collection. What works for me is a tool wall. The way to know if an item belongs on the wall, is by recognizing what tools are always on my bench needing to be put back. So why not make it easier to put them back. Also let’s don’t nail them to the wall. Why not organize them by purpose or type in modules.
To meet my criteria, I organized them into categories like measuring and marking, spokeshaves and drawknives, scrapers, chisels and gouges, hand saws and hand planes. They each have their own board. Each modules can be moved around on the wall. Just slide it on the cleat or hang it on a cleat at a different level. Get creative making your tool hangers. It will test your creative ability and challenge your skill sets. Both of which need to be consistently challenged!
All of these modules (boards )are hanging on French cleats. Just attach a board horizontally to your tool wall, after ripping the board at 30 degrees. Attach the ripped cut-off to the back of the module so that the module board hooks over it. See the drawing!
The benefits are many and it looks good! It sure beats having to dig around, bent over into a big old chest.